The Fastest Way
to Design Circuit Boards
Design complex circuit boards by writing simple code and streamline your existing design process into something highly automated.
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Yorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc vulputate libero et velit interdum, ac aliquet odio mattis.
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New automation saves you time and money
JITX customers have seen their design cycles accelerate between 2X - 30X. New capabilities like SI-optimizing autorouters design complex working boards faster than you thought possible.
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Design better boards
Code automates signal integrity constraints and lets you optimize pin assignments on the fly — without ever making a mistake. Customers save thousands of dollars on each board run by shrinking their designs and increasing reliability.
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Maintain Complete Control
JITX gives you complete control over your designs to ensure they meet your exact specifications. Automate repetitive tasks so you can do the interesting, high value design work. And always maintain control so you can get the exact result you want, every time.
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Handle Supply Chain Disruption Easily
Need to replace an out-of-stock part? Use JITX to do it effortlessly and determine whether your design still works by using comprehensive checks.
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Create Ambitious Designs
Always on Schedule
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